The Sensex is now down 113 points at 14,105.Satyam has plunged 5.7% to Rs 486. Wipro and Ranbaxy have shed 3% each to Rs 621 and Rs 417, respectively.Cipla has dropped 2.3% to Rs 252. Tata Steel, Reliance Energy and Larsen & Toubro have slipped 2% each to Rs 465, Rs 518 and Rs 1,554, respectively.Tata Motors has declined 1.7% to Rs 936. ONGC, BHEL and NTPC are down 1.5% each to Rs 903, Rs 2,267 and Rs 138, respectively.ITC has gained 1.7% at Rs 175. Reliance is up 1% at Rs 1,382.Out of 2,468 stocks traded so far, 1,583 have declined, 836 have advanced and the rest are unchanged.