The Sensex is now down 122 points at 9876.RCoVL has soared over 4% to Rs 239. Hindalco has rallied 3% to Rs 165. Reliance Energy has gained 2.5% at Rs 455.Dr.Reddy's and Ranbaxy are up over 2% each at Rs 1,304 and Rs 379, respectively.HDFC Bank has dropped 3.6% to Rs 710. Satyam and HDFC have declined over 3% each to Rs 649 and Rs 1,019, respectively.Bajaj Auto and HLL are down around 3% each at Rs 2,643 and Rs 215, respectively.ICICI Bank, Wipro, Hero Honda, BHEL and Bharti Airtel are the other prominent losers.Out of 2,127 stocks traded so far, 1,390 have advanced, 684 have declined and the rest are unchanged.