The Sensex touched a low of 11,765, and is now down 126 points at 11,789.Tata Steel has dropped 3% to Rs 634, and Hindalco has shed 2.6% to Rs 206.Tata Motors, Maruti and Bajaj Auto have slipped 2% each to Rs 937, Rs 880 and Rs 2,870, respectively.Grasim has shed 2% to Rs 2,329. NTPC and Tata Power are down nearly 2% each at Rs 132 and Rs 562, respectively.Satyam up 1.6% at Rs 786 is the sole significant gainer among the Sensex stocks.Newly listed Sun TV has plunged 8.5% to Rs 1,342. 3M India, Indotech, Sonata Software, Essar Steel, Rane Holdings, Ispat Industries, Kalyani Steel, Wendt India, India Cements, Aurobindo Pharma, IPCL and Sun Pharma are the other major losers.