The Sensex is now down 128 points at 12,238.HDFC and TCS have dropped around 2.5% each to Rs 1,440 and Rs 990, respectively.BHEL has shed 2% to Rs 2,320. ITC, NTPC and Reliance Communications have slipped 1.7% each to Rs 185, Rs 131 and Rs 342, respectively.SBI, HDFC Bank, Wipro, Hindalco, Satyam, Hero Honda, Bharti, ACC, Grasim, ONGC, Larsen & Toubro, and HLL are the other major losers.Reliance Energy and Tata Motors are up around 1% each at Rs 492 and Rs 878, respectively.Out of 2,419 stocks traded so far, 1,354 have declined, 992 have advanced and the rest are unchanged.