The Sensex touched a low of 12,306, and is now down 13 points at 12,335.Tata Steel has dropped 3% to Rs 636. HLL and Gujarat Ambuja have declined 2.6% each to Rs 285 and Rs 116, respectively.ICICI Bank has slipped 2.2% to Rs 646. TCS has shed 1.6% to Rs 2,001.Tata Power, Bharti Tele and Maruti are down over 1% each.Larsen & Toubro and ONGC are up over 2% each at Rs 2,693 and Rs 1,352, respectively.Reliance and Hindalco are up 1% each at Rs 1,091 and Rs 227, respectively.The market breadth is slightly positive. Out of 2,550 stocks traded so far, 1,332 have advanced, 1,167 have declined and the rest are unchanged.