The Sensex has again slipped into the negative zone and is now down 14 points at 11,537.Hero Honda has advanced 1.7% to Rs 758. HDFC Bank and TCS have gained 1.5% each at Rs 835 and Rs 969, respectively.SBI and Infosys are up 1% each. Reliance Communications, Satyam and ICICI Bank are the other smart gainers.Hindalco has dropped 4.4% to Rs 167. ONGC has shed 3% to Rs 1,142.BHEL and HLL have slipped over 2% each to Rs 2,203 and Rs 225, respectively.Tata Steel and ITC are down 1.5% each to Rs 489 and Rs 179, respectively.Wipro, Reliance Energy and Maruti are the other significant losers.Out of 2,420 stocks traded so far, 1,620 have declined, 734 have advanced and the rest are unchanged.