The Sensex has slipped deeper into red and is now down 150 points at 20,723.Wipro has soared 2.4% to Rs 499. Satyam has surged 2% to Rs 433, and Infosys has advanced over 1% to Rs 1,681.NTPC has gained 1.7% at Rs 270. SBI has moved up over 1% to Rs 2,496.Reliance Energy and HDFC are the other major gainers at Rs 2,560 and Rs 3,092, respectively.ICICI Bank has plunged 3% to Rs 1,292.Tata Motors has dropped 2% to Rs 758, and ACC has shed 1.7% at Rs 968.Bharti Airtel and ONGC have slipped 1.4% each to Rs 961 and Rs 1,304, respectively.Tata Steel, Grasim and Hindustan Unilever have declined over 1% each to Rs 881, Rs 3,359 and Rs 232, respectively.BHEL, ITC, DLF and Mahindra & Mahindra are also down 1% each to Rs 2,466, Rs 228, Rs 1,139 and Rs 822, respectively.