The Sensex is now down 155 points at 14,054.Gujarat Ambuja has tumbled over 7% to Rs 136, and ACC has plunged 6.4% to Rs 1,045. Grasim has shed 3.5% to Rs 2,795.Dr.Reddy's has tumbled 4.5% to Rs 774. SBI has slipped 4% to Rs 1,175. HDFC Bank has declined 2.3% to Rs 1,032. Maruti and Tata Motors have dropped around 1.5% each to Rs 925 and Rs 950, respectively.ICICI Bank, ITC, Tata Steel, NTPC, Reliance Communications and Hero Honda are the other major losers.Bharti Airtel continues to stand firm with a gain of 2% at Rs 690.Out of 2,655 stocks traded so far, 1,710 have declined, 902 have advanced and the rest are unchanged.