The Sensex is now down 165 points at 10,693.Hindalco has dropped nearly 4% to Rs 175. Reliance Communications and Tata Motors have slipped 3.3% each to Rs 260 and Rs 744, respectively.Grasim, Dr.Reddy's and Maruti are down nearly 3% each to Rs 1,980, Rs 1297 and Rs 792, respectively. Wipro has declined 2.4% to Rs 491.HDFC, Satyam and BHEL are slipped 2% each to Rs 1,141, Rs 731 and Rs 1,925, respectively.ONGC has moved up 1% to Rs 1,126.Out of 1,568 stocks traded so far, 1,052 have declined, 464 have advanced and the rest are unchanged.