The Sensex is now down 167 points at 11,668.Earlier in the day, the Sensex slumped to a low of 11,345 - down 490 points in early trades following Sebi's order on the IPO scam. However, it recovered most of its losses and touched a high of 11,803.The BSE Metal index has slumped 3.6% to 10,098. The Consumer Durables index has dropped 2.5% to 3,293, and the FMCG index is down 2.5% at 2,240.Cipla has declined over 5% to Rs 247. Hindalco has dropped over 4% to Rs 208, and Tata Steel has plunged 3% to Rs 620.HLL has shed 4% to Rs 276. Grasim is down over 3% at Rs 2,293.NTPC has surged 1.7% to Rs 132. Bharti Tele is up 1.5% at Rs 408.Out of 2,324 stocks traded so far, 1,653 have declined, 615 have advanced and 56 are unchanged.