The Sensex is now down 187 points at 13,673.Satyam has slipped 3.3% to Rs 485. Maruti has shed 3% to Rs 908.TCS, Wipro, Infosys and Hindalco have dropped around 2.5% each to Rs 1,230, Rs 584, Rs 2,219 and Rs 167, respectively.Bajaj Auto and Reliance Communications have declined around 2% each to Rs 2,725 and Rs 439, respectively. Hero Honda and Cipla are down 1.7% each to Rs 735 and Rs 250, respectively.ONGC has gained 1.6% at Rs 911. Ranbaxy and Dr.Reddy's are up around 1% each at Rs 417 and Rs 817, respectively.Out of 2,675 stocks traded so far, 1,775 have advanced, 867 have declined and the rest are unchanged.