The Sensex is now down 21 points at 20,806.Bharti Airtel and Wipro have plunged over 3% each to Rs 934 and Rs 471, respectively.HDFC has dropped 2% to Rs 3,000. Grasim and Ambuja Cements have shed 1.7% each at Rs 3,321 and Rs 137, respectively.ICICI Bank and ITC have slipped 1.5% each to Rs 1,418 and Rs 219, respectively.ACC has declined 1.3% to Rs 886, and TCS is down 1% at Rs 979. BHEL has moved up nearly 1.5% to Rs 2,470.Reliance, Reliance Communications and SBI have gained 1.3% each at Rs 3,170, Rs 804 and Rs 2,468, respectively.Tata Motors and Hindalco are up over 1% each at Rs 772 and Rs 205, respectively.