The Sensex is now down 225 points at 10,633.Reliance Communications (RCL) has plunged 4.7% to Rs 256. Hindalco has dropped 4.5% to Rs 174. Tata Motors has declined 3.7% to Rs 742.Satyam, Maruti, Grasim and Bajaj Auto have slipped over 3% each to Rs 721, Rs 788, Rs 1,979 and Rs 2,627, respectively.Dr.Reddy's and HDFC are down nearly 3% each at Rs 1,297 and Rs 1,133, respectively.ONGC continues to remain the lone gainer among the index stocks.The market breadth continues to remain negative - out of 1,998 stocks traded so far, 1,348 have declined, 575 have advanced and the rest are unchanged.