The Sensex is now down 226 points at 20,502.Bharti Airtel has slumped 6.7% to Rs 847. ICICI Bank has plunged 4% to Rs 1,352.Mahindra & Mahindra, DFL and Ambuja Cements have shed 1.7% each to Rs 743, Rs 1,185 and Rs 135, respectively.TCS, Reliance Communications and Hindalco have slipped around 1.5% each to Rs 946, Rs 794 and Rs 199, respectively.Reliance has dropped 1.3% to Rs 3,175. Reliance Energy, ITC and Larsen & Toubro are also down over 1% each at Rs 2,444, Rs 222 and Rs 4,119, respectively.Maruti and Tata Steel have advanced over 1.5% each to Rs 870 and Rs 852, respectively.The market breadth is negative - out of 2,781 stocks traded so far, 1,414 have declined, 1,323 have advanced and 44 are unchanged.