The Sensex is now down 23 points at 10,712.ACC has zoomed 7% to Rs 732. HLL has surged 3.7% to Rs 252, and Larsen & Toubro has rallied 3% to Rs 2,485.Gujarat Ambuja has spurted 2.6% to Rs 93.35. Grasim is up 1.7% to Rs 1,830.Cipla, NTPC and SBI are up over 1% each.Satyam is down 2.2% at Rs 784. Tata Motors has slipped nearly 2% to Rs 911, and ICICI Bank has declined 1.8% to Rs 602.Dr.Reddy's, Infosys, TCS, Wipro, Tata Steel, Tata Power and Ranbaxy have dropped over 1% each. Out of 2,608 traded stocks, 1,311 have advanced, 1,221 have declined and the rest are unchanged.