The Sensex is now down 23 points at 11,557.ACC has soared 4.3% to Rs 925. Gujarat Ambuja has rallied 3.3% to Rs 112, and Grasim is up 1.4% at Rs 2,230.Fresh buying at the Tata Steel counter has led the stock flare up by 2.7% to Rs 557.Infosys and TCS are up over 1% each to Rs 3200 and Rs 1,909, respectively.Maruti and Hindalco have dropped 2% each to Rs 877 and Rs 183, respectively. Wipro has shed 1.7% to Rs 531.ICICI Bank and SBI have declined 1.3% each to Rs 592 and Rs 966, respectively. HDFC is down over 1% to Rs 1,325.ITC, Bharti Tele, HLL and BHEL have slipped 1% each to Rs 198, Rs 404, Rs 278 and Rs 2,355, respectively.The market breadth continues to remain positive. Out of 2,385 stocks traded so far, 1,296 have moved up 1,027 have declined and the rest are unchanged.Uttam Sugar tops the value chart with a turnover of Rs 120 crore followed by Hindustan Zinc (Rs 78.76 crore), ACC (Rs 76.30 crore), Infosys (Rs 64.53 crore) and Reliance Communication Ventures (Rs 51.23 crore).Shivalik Global leads the volume chart with trades of around 36.14 lakh shares followed by Gallant Metal (32.60 lakh),, Uttam Sugar (27.78 lakh), G V Films (20.68 lakh) and SAIL (19.43 lakh).