The Sensex is now down 278 points at 13,951.Cipla has slumped over 15% to Rs 215. Bharti Airtel has plunged nearly 5% to Rs 820, and Tata Steel has tumbled 4% to Rs 538.HDFC, SBI, Reliance, ICICI Bank and ONGC have shed around 3% each to Rs 1,681, Rs 1,110, Rs 1,547, Rs 935 and Rs 933, respectively.Tata Motors and Reliance Communications have dropped 2.7% each to Rs 746 and Rs 461, respectively.Satyam has surged nearly 2% to Rs 469. Out of 2,491 stocks traded so far, 1,679 have declined, 735 have advanced and 77 are unchanged.