The Sensex is now down 27 points at 20,800.SBI has surged 3.3% to Rs 2,519. DLF has rallied over 2% to Rs 1,222.Reliance Communications has moved up 1.7% to Rs 807. Reliance and BHEL have gained 1.5% each at Rs 3,176 and Rs 2,470, respectively.Hindalco and Tata Motors are up around 1% each at Rs 204 and Rs 771, respectively.Bharti Airtel has plunged 3.7% to Rs 930, and Wipro has tumbled nearly 3% to Rs 472.Ambuja Cements has shed 2.4% at Rs 136. Infosys and HDFC have dropped 2% each to Rs 1,547 and Rs 2,998, respectively.TCS and Hindustan Unilever have also slipped 2% each to Rs 969 and Rs 220, respectively.ICICI Bank, ACC and Satyam have declined 1.5% each to Rs 1,417, Rs 885 and Rs 405, respectively.Grasim and Maruti are down 1.3% each at Rs 3,330 and Rs 887, respectively.