The Sensex touched a low of 10,117, and is now down 28 points at 10,145.Bajaj Auto has zoomed over 5% to Rs 2,334. Bharti Tele has spurted 1.7% to Rs 370, and BHEL has gained 1.3% at Rs 1,916.ONGC and Hero Honda are up nearly 1% each at Rs 1,185 and Rs 913, respectively.Tata Motors has dropped 2.4% to Rs 773.Cipla, Ranbaxy and Larsen & Toubro have declined over 2% each to Rs 553, Rs 434 and Rs 2,449, respectively.Satyam, Tata Power, Infosys and Hindalco are down over 1% each.The market breadth is now slightly positive. Out of 2,380 stocks traded so far, 1,308 have advanced, 992 have declined and the rest are unchanged.Reliance tops the value chart with a turnover of Rs 51.67 crore followed by Larsen & Toubro (Rs 42.08 crore), McDowell (Rs 37.71 crore), Reliance Capital (Rs 37.24 crore) and Titan (Rs 34.60 crore).Assam Company leads the volume chart with trades of around 1.09 crore shares followed by Radha Madhav (39.32 lakh), Moschip (31.93 lakh), McLeod Russel (19.91 lakh) and HFCL (17.61 lakh).