The Sensex is now down 300 points at 13,929.Cipla has slumped 14.4% to Rs 217. Bharti Airtel, SBI and Tata Steel have plunged around 4% each to Rs 825, Rs 1,098 and Rs 539, respectively.Reliance has shed 3.5% to Rs 1,542. ICICI Bank, ONGC, Tata Motors and HDFC have dropped around 3% each to Rs 934, Rs 932, Rs 745 and Rs 1,687, respectively.Satyam has surged 1.7% to Rs 468, and NTPC has gained 1% at Rs 160.Out of 2,532 stocks traded so far, 1,701 have declined, 758 have advanced and 73 are unchanged.