The Sensex has slipped back into the negative zone and is now down 30 points at 13,666.Bajaj Auto and ACC have surged 2.4% each to Rs 2,540 and Rs 805, respectively. Gujarat Ambuja has moved up 1.8% to Rs 114.Reliance Energy has gained 1.5% at Rs 512. Reliance and SBI are up around 1% each at Rs 1,477 and Rs 1,023, respectively.Satyam has tumbled nearly 4% to Rs 461. TCS has plunged 2% to Rs 1,254. Wipro has slipped 1.7% to Rs 576, and Infosys has declined 1.5% to Rs 2,097.ONGC is down 1.3% at Rs 888.Out of 2,538 stocks traded so far, 1,314 have declined, 1,149 have advanced and 75 are unchanged.