The Sensex opened with a negative gap of 289 points at 12,694, and soon tumbled to a low of 12,518 - down 465 points from the previous close following heavy losses in other global markets.The index is now down 376 points at 12,607.All index stocks are in negative zone.ICICI Bank and ACC have tumbled over 4% each to Rs 840 and Rs 719, respectively. Tata Motors and Gujarat Ambuja have shed 3.7% each to Rs 744 and Rs 102, respectively.Wipro has plunged 3.5% to Rs 561. Tata Steel, Larsen & Toubro, HDFC Bank, Satyam and ONGC have dropped over 3% each to Rs 430, Rs 1,479, Rs 930, Rs 438 and Rs 783, respectively.