The Sensex is now down 41 points at 13,245.Tata Motors has plunged almost 4% to Rs 759. HDFC Bank has tumbled 3.4% to Rs 978.Maruti has slipped nearly 2% to Rs 824. Infosys and TCS have dropped 1.3% each to Rs 2,069 and Rs 1,273, respectively.NTPC and Reliance Energy are down around 1% each at Rs 143 and Rs 481, respectively.Satyam has advanced over 2% to Rs 474. Tata Steel has added 1.3% to Rs 444.ONGC and ACC are up nearly 1% each at Rs 851 and Rs 752, respectively.Out of 2,528 stocks traded so far, 1,486 have declined, 967 have advanced and 75 are unchanged.