The Sensex has declined four points to 7,273.Infosys has dropped nearly 1.8% (Rs 43) to Rs 2,351. TCS is still down Rs 20 at Rs 1,338. ITC is still up Rs 5 at Rs 1,688. Reliance has declined Rs 3 to Rs 641. HDFC is still up over 3% (Rs 29) at Rs 909. Tata Motors has advanced nearly 4% (Rs 17) to Rs 444. HDFC Bank, Dr. Reddy's, Hindalco, BHEL and ICICI Bank are still trading in positive zones.Declines are ahead of advances in noon trades - out of 2,526 scrips traded till now, 1,244 have declined, 1,202 have moved up and 80 are unchanged.