The Sensex is now down 57 points at 20,816.NTPC has surged 2.4% to Rs 272. Hindalco and HDFC have advanced 1.5% each to Rs 212 and Rs 3,108, respectively.Wipro and Satyam have gained 1.4% each at Rs 495 and Rs 430, respectively.Infosys and SBI have advanced over 1% each to Rs 1,681 and Rs 2,492, respectively.ICICI Bank has plunged nearly 4% to Rs 1,283.ACC has tumbled over 2% to Rs 964. Hindustan Unilever and Tata Motors have shed 1.7% each at Rs 230 and Rs 761, respectively.Bharti Airtel, Grasim and BHEL have slipped 1.3% each to Rs 962, Rs 3,358 and Rs 2,463, respectively.DLF and ONGC are also down over 1% each to Rs 1,136 and Rs 1,306, respectively.