The Sensex is now down 60 points at 13,123.HDFC has tumbled nearly 3% to Rs 1,538. Maruti and HDFC Bank have shed around 2.5% each to Rs 761 and Rs 957, respectively.ONGC and Ranbaxy have dropped around 2% each to Rs 861 and Rs 339, respectively.Cipla, ITC and Tata Motors have slipped over 1.5% each to Rs 232, Rs 158 and Rs 710, respectively.Wipro, Reliance Energy, Hindalco, Hero Honda, BHEL, Tata Steel and Larsen & Toubro are the other major losers. Bajaj Auto has soared 2.6% to Rs 2,340. Infosys has surged 2.2% to Rs 2,036. NTPC has moved up over 1% to Rs 160.The market breadth is negative - out of 2,479 stocks traded so far, 1,285 have declined, 1,123 have advanced and 71 are unchanged.