The Sensex is now down 61 points at 19,340.Infosys has slumped 5.5% to Rs 1,750. Satyam has plunged 3.7% to Rs 437, and Wipro has tumbled over 3% to Rs 472.HDFC Bank and Bharti Airtel have shed 2.7% each to Rs 1,660 and Rs 894, respectively.Dr.Reddy's has slipped 2% to Rs 601. Hindustan Unilever, Grasim and Reliance Communications have declined around 1.5% each to Rs 192, Rs 3,600 and Rs 735, respectively.BHEL has soared over 4% to Rs 2,840.Reliance and Larsen & Toubro have surged 3.4% each to Rs 2,745 and Rs 4,265, respectively.Maruti has rallied 2% to Rs 993. Mahindra & Mahindra and Ambuja Cements have gained 1.7% each at Rs 993 and Rs 146, respectively.SBI has moved up 1.5% to Rs 2,242. Hindalco is up over 1% at Rs 194.Out of 2,596 stocks traded so far, 1,539 have declined, 976 have advanced and 81 are unchanged.