The Sensex is now down 62 points to 14,948.Reliance Energy (REL) has soared 3.5% to Rs 635. ACC has surged 3% to Rs 1,068, and Grasim has gained 1.8% at Rs 2,776.Tata Steel has advanced 1.5% to Rs 643, and BHEL has added 1% to Rs 1,585.Hindalco, HDFC Bank, Larsen & Toubro and Reliance Communications are the other prominent gainers.TCS, Infosys and Satyam have plunged over 3% each to Rs 1,148, Rs 1,957 and Rs 482, respectively.Tata Motors has shed 1.3% to Rs 735. Wipro and Ambuja Cements are down 1% each at Rs 515 and Rs 129, respectively.The market breadth is positive - out of 2,350 stocks traded, 1,369 have advanced, 899 have declined and 82 are unchanged.