The Sensex is now down 652 points at 15,890.The NSE Nifty is down 180 points at 4,741.Reliance Energy has tumbled over 11% to Rs 1,293. Bajaj Auto has slumped 9.5% to Rs 1,928, and ICICI Bank has plunged nearly 8% to Rs 885.Hindalco has dropped over 6% to Rs 195. Tata Motors, NTPC and HDFC have shed around 5% each at Rs 665, Rs 185 and Rs 2,617, respectively.Mahindra & Mahindra and Infosys have slipped around 4.5% each to Rs 664 and Rs 1,410, respectively.HDFC Bank, Larsen & Toubro, Ranbaxy, Wipro and Satyam are down over 4% each.Out of 2,678 stocks traded so far, 2,439 have declined, 210 have advanced and 29 are unchanged.