The Sensex is now down 66 points at 10,385.ACC has shed 3.6% to Rs 758. Hindalco and Satyam have tumbled over 3% each to Rs 174 and Rs 647, respectively.Satyam has slipped 2.2% to Rs 647. Grasim and Bharti Airtel has dropped almost 2% each to Rs 1,765 and Rs 359, respectively.ITC is down 1.8% at Rs 162.Larsen & Tourbo stands firm with a gain of 5% at Rs 2,303. HDFC has moved up 2.4% to Rs 1,205.NTPC and Hero Honda have added 1.7% each to Rs 112 and Rs 775, respectively.Out of 2,356 stocks traded so far, 1,388 have declined, 917 have advanced and 51 are unchanged.