The Sensex tumbled to a low of 11,444, and is now down 77 points at 11,474.Hindalco has plunged 4.6% to Rs 166. BHEL has dropped 2.5% to Rs 2,200.ITC and Gujarat Ambuja have declined around 2% each to Rs 178 and Rs 108, respectively.Tata Steel, Reliance Energy, Cipla, Ranbaxy, HLL, Grasim, Wipro and ONGC are down over 1.5% each.Maruti, Dr.Reddy's and NTPC have slipped 1% each.HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Hero Honda, TCS and Satyam are the notable gainers among the index stocks.Out of 2,197 stocks traded so far, 1,618 have declined, 521 have advanced and the rest are unchanged.