The Sensex is now up down 80 points at 10,662.Bajaj Auto and Bharti Airtel have dropped over 3% each to Rs 2,460 and Rs 384, respectively.Reliance, Tata Motors and Maruti have slipped 2% each to Rs 978, Rs 724 and Rs 766, respectively.HDFC, Hindalco, Wipro and Infosys are the other prominent losers.SBI and Dr.Reddy's have rallied nearly 3% each to Rs 785 and Rs 1,406. Grasim has advanced 2% to Rs 2,115.BHEL has gained 1.7% at Rs 1,986. Tata Steel and HDFC Bank are up 1% each at Rs 502 and Rs 795, respectively.Out of 2,376 stocks traded so far, 1,239 have advanced, 1,053 have declined and the rest are unchanged.