The Sensex has slipped back into the negative zone and is now down 85 points at 16,593.The NSE Nifty is down 23 points at 4,930.HDFC has soared 3% to Rs 2,648. TCS has surged 2% to Rs 861.Maruti has rallied 1.7% to Rs 889. Tata Motors and Ranbaxy have moved up over 1% each to Rs 702 and Rs 456, respectively.Reliance Energy and Mahindra & Mahindra are also up over 1% each at Rs 1,502 and Rs 692, respectively.Larsen & Toubro and Reliance Communications have dropped around 2.3% each at Rs 3,261 and Rs 529, respectively.HDFC Bank, ACC and Bharti Airtel have slipped 2% each to Rs 1,362, Rs 771 and Rs 775, respectively.BHEL has shed 1.7% at Rs 2,063. Cipla and Infosys have declined 1.3% each to Rs 209 and Rs 1,454, respectively.Wipro, ICICI Bank and Satyam are down 1% each at Rs 415, Rs 1,015 and Rs 408, respectively.The market breadth is fairly negative - out of 2,234 stocks traded so far, 1,545 have declined, 639 have advanced and 50 are unchanged.