The Sensex is now down 89 points at 13,067.SBI has rallied 2.7% to Rs 1,135. ICICI Bank and Infosys have surged 1.3% each to Rs 780 and Rs 2,128, respectively.Wipro is up 1% at Rs 535.Hero Honda has dropped nearly 4% to Rs 715. Bajaj Auto has slipped 3.3% to Rs 2,632.Reliance has shed nearly 3% to Rs 1,254. Tata Motors and ITC have declined 2% each to Rs 803 and Rs 185, respectively.Reliance Communications, Dr.Reddy's and NTPC are the other major losers.Out of 2,577 scrips traded, 1,741 have declined and 778 have advanced and the rest are unchanged.