The Sensex is now down eight points at 14,247.Satyam has surged 3.6% to Rs 482, and Wipro has rallied 3% to Rs 548. Infosys and TCS are up around 1% each at Rs 1,961 and Rs 1,210, respectively.Reliance Communications and Hindalco have moved up 1.5% each to Rs 524 and Rs 151, respectively.Hero Honda and Bajaj Auto have shed 2% each to Rs 700 and Rs 2,175, respectively. HLL has dropped 1.8% to Rs 192.ITC, ACC and Grasim have slipped around 1.5% each to Rs 156, Rs 810 and Rs 2,417, respectively. HDFC Bank, SBI and Tata Motors are down over 1% each to Rs 1,113, Rs 1,373 and Rs 680, respectively.Out of 2,515 stocks traded so far, 1,387 have declined, 1,053 have advanced and 75 are unchanged.