The Sensex is now down over 60 points at 20,398.TCS has dropped 3% to Rs 1,010. Wipro has slipped 2.5% to Rs 498. Infosys has declined 2% (Rs 32) to Rs 1,718.ICICI Bank has slipped 3% to Rs 1,232. ITC is still down 3% at Rs 215. Bharti has recouped some ground, but is still down 2% at Rs 949.Grasim is still down over 3% at Rs 3,629. ACC and Ambuja Cement are also trading with gains.Reliance Energy has moved up 6.5% (Rs 152) to Rs 2,517.Reliance is now up 1.9% (Rs 53) at Rs 2,915.NTPC is steady at Rs 270 - up 5%. ONGC is still up 4% at Rs 1,320.Advances continue to be ahead of declines - out of 2,925 scrips traded till now, 1,691 have logged gains.