The Sensex slipped sharply in the opening bell, dropping 28 points over its last close at 6,719. Though the Sensex touched a high of 6,730 (down 17 points over its last close), it is now down 21 points at 6,726. The Nifty, too, has commenced with sharp losses with a loss of 13 points at 2,113.ONGC and Reliance are down Rs 2 each at Rs 906 and Rs 572, respectively. ITC and HLL have commenced on a lacklustre note at Rs 1,335 and Rs 135, respectively.HDFC Bank has lost 1.31% (Rs 8) to Rs 586, while ICICI Bank is down a per cent (Rs 3) at Rs 398. SBI is down a rupee at Rs 727.HPCL has dipped 1.24% (Rs 4) to Rs 335. Bharti continues to trade with losses, and is down 1.46% (Rs 3) at Rs 206.While Satyam is down a per cent (Rs 2) at Rs 400, Wipro is down a rupee at Rs 680. Infosys (up Rs 4 to Rs 2,196), however, has resumed with steady gains. Auto, cement and pharma majors, too, have eased in early trades.