The Bombay Stock Exchange benchmark Sensex on Wednesday closed down 0.09 per cent, at 1,6451.47 points, with 18 of its components falling. This was after a day of see-sawing, as investors digested results from Tata Consultancy Services and a potential share buyback from Reliance Industries (RIL).
RIL, the country’s biggest company by market capitalisation, closed up 5.1 per cent at Rs 779.75.
Mukesh Ambani-controlled RIL had seen its shares slump around 35 per cent in 2011. That helped drag Sensex down 25 per cent for the year.
The NSE Nifty ended down 0.23 per cent. In the broader market, losers outpaced gainers by a ratio of over two to one on total volume of about 761 million shares.