Indian shares declined by over a per cent on Thursday tracking weakness in global markets. The BSE Sensex registered its second highest fall so far this month led by fall in the financial and infrastructure sectors. On Thursday, the BSE Sensex ended the day down 1.3 per cent or 255 points to end the day at 20,193. The NSE Nifty closed down 1.4 per cent or 83 points at 6,001.
On the global front, Asian markets ended the day down over one per cent. European markets were trading in the red at the time of the closing of the Indian markets. The US markets were down less than one per cent on Wednesday.
Core inflation and industrial production data released on Wednesday, despite showing significant improvement also failed to cheer markets.
The decline was led by selling in financials, capital goods, metals and the oil & gas sector which were down about two per cent each. Among the index stocks, Cipla saw the highest decline of 7.7 per cent and closed at Rs 381 a share after posting disappointing December quarter numbers. Coal India, which also declared weak December earnings, fell 3.4 per cent to Rs 273.40.
On the global front, Asian markets ended the day down over one per cent. European markets were trading in the red at the time of the closing of the Indian markets. The US markets were down less than one per cent on Wednesday.
Core inflation and industrial production data released on Wednesday, despite showing significant improvement also failed to cheer markets.
The decline was led by selling in financials, capital goods, metals and the oil & gas sector which were down about two per cent each. Among the index stocks, Cipla saw the highest decline of 7.7 per cent and closed at Rs 381 a share after posting disappointing December quarter numbers. Coal India, which also declared weak December earnings, fell 3.4 per cent to Rs 273.40.