The Sensex is firm and is now up 592 points to 17,541.The NSE Nifty has rallied 179 points to 5,109.DLF and BHEL have zoomed over 7% each to Rs 874 and Rs 2,121, respectively. Hindalco has soared 6.6% to Rs 160.Reliance Energy has surged 6% to Rs 1,652. Hindustan Unilever has rallied 5.7% to Rs 204.Reliance Communications has advanced over 5% to Rs 587. ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank and Larsen & Toubro have added nearly 5% each to Rs 1,153, Rs 1,538 and Rs 3,435, respectively.ONGC, NTPC and Reliance have moved up around 4.5% each to Rs 987, Rs 196 and Rs 2,489, respectively.Mahindra & Mahindra has gained 3.5% at Rs 597, and Grasim is up 3% at Rs 2,820.The market breadth is fairly positive - out of 2,408 stocks traded so far, 1,620 have advanced, 756 have declined and 32 are unchanged.