The Sensex is now down eight points at 14,446.Tata Steel and BHEL have surged 2.3% each to Rs 642 and Rs 2,738, respectively.HLL, Reliance Energy and HDFC have moved up 1.7% each to Rs 198, Rs 560 and Rs 1,824, respectively.Hindalco has gained 1.4% at Rs 148. Hero Honda and Bajaj Auto are up around 1% each at Rs 695 and Rs 2,214, respectively.ITC has shed 2% to Rs 168. ACC, Reliance Communications and ONGC have dropped 1.3% each to Rs 879, Rs 517 and Rs 915, respectively.Out of 2,470 stocks traded so far, 1,247 have declined, 1,138 have advanced and 85 are unchanged.