The Sensex is now up six points at 15,593.The NSE Nifty is down 15 points at 4,695.HDFC and BHEL have gained around 2.5% each at Rs 2,364 and Rs 1,757, respectively.Tata Steel has rallied nearly 2% to Rs 669. Ambuja Cements and Larsen & Toubro have moved up 1.7% each to Rs 120 and Rs 2,622, respectively.Hindustan Unilever has plunged over 3% to Rs 240.ITC, Jaiprakash Associates and Ranbaxy have dropped 2% each to Rs 204, Rs 217 and Rs 462, respectively.Satyam, Reliance Communications and Maruti have slipped 1.7% each to Rs 421, Rs 492 and Rs 731, respectively.TCS has declined 1.5% to Rs 872. Wipro and Bharti Airtel are down 1.3% each at Rs 408 and Rs 817, respectively.Mahindra & Mahindra, Reliance Energy and Grasim are down over 1% each at Rs 603, Rs 1,138 and Rs 2,532, respectively.Out of 2,527 stocks traded so far, 1,556 have advanced, 884 have declined and 87 are unchanged.