The Sensex is now up two points at 13,651.HDFC has surged 2.5% to Rs 1,642. Maruti and Tata Steel have rallied 1.8% each to Rs 890 and Rs 478, respectively.Reliance Communications and Grasim have added 1.7% each to Rs 433 and Rs 2,380, respectively. Ranbaxy, ACC and NTPC are up over 1% each at Rs 355, Rs 957 and Rs 144, respectively.Hero Honda has shed 2.5% to Rs 688. ICICI Bank, Bajaj Auto and ONGC are down over 1% each to Rs 897, Rs 2,779 and Rs 827, respectively.Out of 2,238 stocks traded so far, 1,531 have advanced, 662 have declined and 45 are unchanged.