The Sensex is now up three points at 15,425.Cipla and Reliance Energy have soared around 4% each to Rs 179 and Rs 807, respectively.Grasim has surged 2.2% to Rs 3,000. HDFC has moved up 1.7% to Rs 2,035. Infosys is up over 1% at Rs 1,883. Tata Motors has dropped 2.4% to Rs 686. Hindalco has shed 2% to Rs 157.NTPC and Bharti Airtel have slipped 1.8% each to Rs 182 and Rs 856, respectively.ITC has declined 1.5% to Rs 171. Tata Steel, ONGC, Bajaj Auto, BHEL and Wipro are the other major losers.Out of 2,669 stocks traded so far, 1,611 have advanced, 1,000 have declined and 58 are unchanged.