The Sensex touched a new all-time intra-day high at 10,196, and finally closed with a smart gain of 89 points at 10,168.Bajaj Auto zoomed 6.5% (Rs 156) to Rs 2,572. Larsen & Toubro surged 4% to Rs 2,334, and BHEL gained 2.5% at Rs 1,871.While Dr.Reddy's surged 4.3% to Rs 1,389, Ranbaxy moved up 2.5% to Rs 449.Satyam and Tata Steel spurted 2% each to Rs 770 and Rs 403 respectively.Bharti (Rs 369), ONGC (Rs 1,161), Hero Honda (Rs 898), Tata Power (Rs 496), Tata Motors (Rs 792) ITC (Rs 164) and TCS (Rs 1,661) ended with a gain of over 1% each.HLL down Rs 2 at Rs 237 and Graism down Rs 10 at Rs 1,655 were the only notable losers among the Sensex stocks.