The Sensex, which gained 20 points over its yesterday's close to touch a high of 6,920, faltered from its highs in mid-morning trades to slip below the 6,900-mark. After dipping to a low of 6,884, the Sensex is now five points at 6,895. The Nifty, too, has inched lower to 2,120 - down four points. Reliance (down Rs 2 to Rs 589) and ONGC (down Rs 5 to Rs 922) are exhibiting a subdued trend. HLL has inched lower by 1.55% (Rs 2) to Rs 146, while ITC is up a per cent (Rs 16) at Rs 1,565.SBI has dropped 1.63% (Rs 11) to Rs 669. HDFC Bank is down a tad at Rs 595. ICICI Bank has trimmed gains and is now up 1.51% (Rs 6) at Rs 422.Bajaj has shed 1.18% (Rs 15) to Rs 1,238, while Tata Motors is down 1.12% (Rs 5) at Rs 422.Ranbaxy, Dr. Reddy's and Cipla are weak at Rs 1,045, Rs 722 and Rs 286, respectively.Grasim has declined 1.43% (Rs 16) to Rs 1,099. Other cement majors, too, are witnessing weak trends.HDFC (up Rs 4 to Rs 848) is trading at steady levels, while Tata Power has lost 1.67% (Rs 6) to Rs 374.Infosys (up Rs 7 to Rs 2,287) is trading with steady gains. Other tech majors are also marginally up.