The Sensex opened 58 points higher at 9,359, and touched a high of 9,432 in early morning trades. The index is off the day's high, and is now up 84 points at 9,385.
Jaiprakash Associates and Tata Steel have surged over 4% each to Rs 72 and Rs 194, respectively.
Sterlite has rallied 3.5% to Rs 274. HDFC has gained 3% at Rs 1,456.
Hindalco has moved up 2.6% to Rs 45. ICICI Bank and Reliance Infrastructure have advanced over 4% each to Rs 416 and Rs 553, respectively.
Tata Motors, Larsen & Toubro and HDFC Bank are up around 1.6% each at Rs 140, Rs 649 and Rs 913, respectively.
Grasim has plunged over 2% to Rs 1,382. ITC and Wipro are down over 1% each at Rs 180 and Rs 221, respectively.