Sensex opened with a steady gain of 25 points and is currently at 6696. The Nifty spiked up by 10 points to 2084.Infosys and Wipro jumped 2% each (up Rs 36 and Rs 13) to Rs 2,238 and Rs 729 respectively, after a strong rally in the US markets yesterday.Bhel and L&T too advanced by 2% to Rs 925 and Rs 1,119. Tisco moved up by a per cent to Rs 357.ITC added a per cent (up Rs 18) to Rs 1,549, while HLL remains almost unchanged in the green at Rs 131.Reliance edged up to Rs 532, while ONGC dips marginally lower to Rs 900.ICICI Bank slipped into the red at Rs 397 and SBI Bank is holding on to its gains at Rs 683