The Sensex has pared gains and is now up 10 points at 16,026.The NSE Nifty is up 10 points at 4,840.Tata Steel has soared 6% to Rs 694. ITC and Cipla have surged over 3% each to Rs 207 and Rs 218, respectively.ACC has rallied over 2% to Rs 837. Ranbaxy and Jaiprakash Associates have moved up 1.7% each to Rs 443 and Rs 235, respectively.Reliance Energy, Hindalco and DLF have advanced around 1.5% each to Rs 1,305, Rs 175 and Rs 683, respectively.ONGC and ICICI Bank have plunged 2.7% each to Rs 1,041 and Rs 812, respectively. HDFC Bank has shed 2.4% at Rs 1,401.Tata Motors has slipped 1.7% to Rs 644. HDFC and Hindustan Unilever are down around 1% each at Rs 2,632 and Rs 242, respectively.