The Sensex has pared some of its gains and is now up 85 points at 15,817.BHEL has zoomed 5% to Rs 1,857. NTPC has soared 4% to Rs 164.Satyam has surged 2.5% to Rs 504. Larsen & Toubro and Reliance Energy have rallied 1.7% each to Rs 2,658 and Rs 726, respectively.HDFC Bank, ONGC, Hindalco and Infosys are up over 1% each to Rs 1,236, Rs 920, Rs 187 and Rs 1,968, respectively.Mahindra & Mahindra has shed 2.5% to Rs 803. ACC has dropped 1.5% to Rs 1,122.TCS and Tata Motors are down over 1% each to Rs 1,177 and Rs 763, respectively.The market breadth is negative - out of 2,562 stocks traded so far, 1,421 have declined, 1,071 have advanced and 70 are unchanged.